Monday, October 11, 2010

love all ways

today a boy on the train read us a poem he wrote for the girl he loves...not that he admitted to loving her. but seriously, you don't write poems for people you don't love. he asked us, "if you could sum up love in one word, what would it be?" you said "infinite". i like that. love is a sacrifice, he said. i don't believe in it. it means giving something up. this is true, but it also means letting the other person give something up equally for you. it means being vulnerable and exposed and embracing the terrifying unstable exhilarating feeling. exposing souls and intertwining them, a deliciously painful feeling. negative personal space. he asked us if we know anyone who is actually in love and having fun. we both said "well we're doing alright, that's for sure". he said "you're both in love?" just as we were pulling into the station where we had to get off. you asked me if you should tell him, you wanted to tell him. i didn't said "come on, we'll never see him again". he repeated - "you'll never see me again!".

"i'm in love with her!" you said as we wheeled our bikes off the train, giggling, watching his mouth gape open in disbelief. we felt so proud to say it. so proud to say "she's mine". maybe we convinced him that love is real, it exists!

"love has nothing to do with what you're expecting to get - only what you're expecting to give - which is everything"

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