Tuesday, August 24, 2010

revealing biases

here is an interesting Harvard study, and the related implicit association tests that anyone can do.

These tests try to reveal biases people have towards race, gender, sexuality, skin tone, age, weight, even countries (US vs. Canada). It is not hard to believe that when the results from this study were compiled, it was found that most people automatically prefer white over black, thin over fat, and straight over gay, as well as holding some pretty stereotypical views on which gender is better at science or humanities.

I've only done the weight test myself, and surprise! The results are in and I slightly prefer thin over fat. These tests prove that racism, sexism, fatphobia and homophobia, among others, are structural problems and are not a matter of individual opinion or choice. Everyone has ingrained biases that are extremely difficult to get rid of because of the constant messages we are fed by society.

1 comment:

  1. Great topic.
    That disappoints me, we should judge on kindness, joy and effort made.
    Sexuality is only one part of a person, there is much more, like hobbies, talents, interests, beliefs.
    "Don't judge any man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins." ~Native proverb~
    The history and present treatment of Natives is shameful.
    They can mistreat North Americans for a Century and not be even close to being the loathsome hateful creatures we are. Same goes for blacks.
    When people make fun of someone's accent I challenge them to go to Hong Kong and speak Cantonese, give that a whirl and see how well you do. Something to keep in mind.
    Bigots are uncool!
