Friday, December 17, 2010

stupid quote of the day

random internet commenter:

"[about indigenous populations]

How is it that when the Spaniards, the French, the Portuguese, and the British went to colonise different islands around the world? How would the people have gotten there if there were no airplanes? The distances would have been too far for that many people to take a boat, so how did they get there? Did the land masses just "magically" move, such as your flawed theory of plate techtonics says? Did humans once have wings and then lose them through "natural selection"?

If you can't answer this, then there is no other logical explaination than God did it and that Jesus Christ is the Lord."

from this website, full of gems!!!

one more (about evolution):

"bats are birds because they fly and look like birds. that's how we define things: by looking at them. 


ostriches are birds because they look like birds. flight is not necessary, if they are enough similar to a bird.

i wouldn't call penguins birds because they look kinda weird. a little birdish, but not entirely birds. they are waterbirds.

i think it's foolish to say that an animal is a different kind of animal just because it is warmblooded or coldblooded, or if it lays eggs instead of children, because a normal person can't even notice if a creature has warm blood or not, only scientists can do that, so scientists can have their definitions and we normal people have our own"

Thursday, December 2, 2010

so pretty

"The different colors of the rose depict different emotions with the yellow rose being the symbol of joy, white is for reverence and pink is considered the rose of sympathy and admiration.  The white rose was considered the rose of purity in medieval times and was such given to ladies who had not yet lost their virginity.  The red rose is the rose of love and covers all aspects of love from romantic gestures to sacred love of family and faith."

Thanksgiving makes me uncomfortable

This was on Raine's blog first, and I know that Thanksgiving was a long time ago, but this is important

I like Angelina Jolie a teeny bit more now for not celebrating the systematic genocide of First Nations people!